Category: leadership
Top 3 Innovators @ Innovation3 | Catalyst
Matt Carter, our Senior Pastor, was named as one of the top 3 innovators at Innovation3 by CatalystSpace. Good stuff! Top 3 Innovators @ Innovation3 January 30, 2009 The Innovation3 conference was this week and it was cool. Did you go? There were over 100 speakers, but here are my Top 3 picks for most…
Missional Authors | The Forgotten Ways
This image from The Forgotten Ways has a great breakdown of some authors who have influenced my thinking. From: the missional family tree according to leadership journal : The Forgotten Ways.
unChristian 6
The thesis of Chapter 6 is that Christians must move from being perceived as naive and disengaged (“Sheltered” is the title of the chapter) to informed and involved with sophisticated nuance. The creation of Christian subculture has done great damage to the overall integration within the culture at large, and therefore diminished influence and the…
Matt Carter Interviewed by Leadership Network for Innovation3
Our senior pastor, Matt Carter, was interviewed yesterday by Leadership Network. It’s a great snapshot of who we are as a church…give it a look!
Parenting is a Leadership Incubator
Tonight I was forced to make a decision with GTB: Teach him to obey his earthly father as he would his heavenly Father, and simply eat the food in front of him because he was asked to. Get creative and generate a desire to eat the food that is placed in front of him through…
Working Together
Some campus ministers have been working toward a unified strategy in reaching UT’s campus. Collaborative work amongst college ministries tends toward the abstract and non-committal variety, but God has been stirring to move the various directors toward strategic and functional engagement. As we seek to redeem and restore the University of Texas with the Gospel…