Choosing Who to Mentor | Touchpoint

The more I read David Watson’s Blog, the more I am enjoying his insights.  He has some excellent words in a post about who to choose and mentorship/discipleship, and what he looks for before investing in someone.

His six points of evaluation are below:

  • Christ-like
  • Christ-centered
  • Character
  • Capability
  • Competency
  • Capacity
  • Chemistry

Read how he expands on these points here.

This is a great framework for leaders as they seek to reproduce themselves in ministry.  I continue to pray that God would use the men that I am investing in to advance His kingdom, and ultimately they would be faithful to reproducing reproducers (2 Timothy 2:2).


One response to “Choosing Who to Mentor | Touchpoint”

  1. Hi, Todd. Thanks for the pingback. I hope the article is helpful.


    David Watson
    Irving, Texas

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