Reflections on the Ministry : Rick McKinley

This was a convicting message for me to hear from Rick McKinley of Imago Dei in Portland.

The art of unbusyness and unneccesariness is essential to the being available to God. There is disaster awaiting the one who gets bogged down with doing good, and not dwelling in the excellent. It is our job to pay attention to God and life and to help others to do the same, this is the heart of the work as pastor. I am not suggesting that this means that we don’t do our work or have work to do. We have a lot of work to do, but what I am saying is that many times we exchange important things for urgent things and the important things never get addressed.

via Reflections on the Ministry : Rick McKinley.

I am seemingly always in need of a breather, and have definitely struggled to place priority on “unbusyness”.  God will teach me the discipline over time, but I am definitely terrible at it now.


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