What is a Missional Community?

In a previous series, I worked through the primary reasons we pursue missional communities at The Austin Stone.

Whether you’re new to the idea of missional communities, or have been implementing them for a long time, I’d love to start some dialogue around what they actually are.  Is a missional community something new, or just a repackaging of an old idea? 

In this series of posts, I will take a look at this question:

“What is a Missional Community?”

The series will be unpacked in the parts below:

  1. Part 1 – Other’s Definitions of Missional Community
  2. Part 2 – A Vision for Missional Community
  3. Part 3 – A Definition of Missional Community
  4. Part 4 – On Mission with God
  5. Part 5 – A Pocket of People
  6. Part 6 – More Than a Bible Study

What would you like to see more of, or have me expand on?

Let me know in the comments!


5 responses to “What is a Missional Community?”

  1. Paul Nixon Avatar
    Paul Nixon

    I’m really keen to read this. Blog away!

    You may cover it and some point but I’d like to read about how you might ensure that a Missional Community isn’t simply the latest fashion in ‘church building’.

    1. Paul,
      I hadn’t planned on writing specifically on that topic…let me do some thinking on it. What particular questions/challenges would you have to missional communities that would help me shape a response?
      Thanks for chiming in!

  2. Looking forward to reading this, Todd!

  3. I have an image for you Todd on Part 6. Already drawn…but yet to be released.

    1. Love it…let me know if you get it done in advance :). I should be looking through those as resources!

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