Reasons for Missional Community

Although there are a number of reasons why we have chosen to implement missional communities at The Austin Stone, there are a few critical reasons I want to highlight in an upcoming series of posts:

  1. A Theological Reason – The Community Apologetic
  2. A Philosophical Reason – Discipleship in a Consumer Culture
  3. A Pragmatic Reason – Reaching All of Our City

What are the primary reasons you are considering missional community?

Share in the comments!


5 responses to “Reasons for Missional Community”

  1. […] Last week, I worked through the primary reasons we pursue missional communities. […]

  2. […] a previous series, I worked through the primary reasons we pursue missional communities at The Austin […]

  3. […] a previous series, I worked through the primary reasons we pursue missional communities at The Austin […]

  4. […] Reasons for Missional Communities […]

  5. On a blogathon today 😉 Thanks for these different areas

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