Category: personal

  • Lessons Learned in Fatherhood

    We’ve had a pretty rough week in our house this week, most notably because our oldest son came down with croup.  The first night, we slept in shifts as our son continued to wake up terrified and having difficulty breathing.  After a trip to the doctor, we thought we had the problem solved with a…

  • Benefit for Missionaries to Sudan

    Local Austinites – please consider supporting my friends Jonathan and Lauren Ramirez as they pursue God’s call to work with the Didinga people in Sudan! Ramirez Sudan Benefit Night @ Dominican Joe Friday, September 11th, 2009, 7:00 – 11:00PM Music Performances by: Aaron Ivey and Aaron Peace — Armed with wide eyes and a desire…

  • Sunday is for Questions

    I was hoping to have some time to write down some thoughts today, but between morning services with the family and preparation for an evening class, I’m tapped out.  I figured a good quick post would be to ask for some dialog from you, my faithful readers: What questions would you like me to address…

  • So Many Thoughts, So Little Time

    Where does time go?  I had great ambitions for developing my thoughts on leadership, continuing a series of posts on college ministry strategy, and writing thoughts on adoption, but I just can’t carve out the time to write. Part of it is feeling like I don’t have enough time to sit down and craft what…

  • Back in Action!

    Since I know so many of you couldn’t wait for my blogging return, I’m happy to report that I’m back in action and well rested from vacation.  I’ll resume regular posting shortly…

  • Oversight

    Last night I had a great realization of all that God has allowed me to steward in ministry. As college students from a variety of ministries on UT’s campus gathered to worship together and hear God’s word taught from my College team, I was overseeing baptism, communion, worship and prayer that the Connections team had…

  • Independence Day

    Happy Independence Day! I’m celebrating by performing a wedding ceremony this evening, followed by a great night of fireworks in the neighborhood (fireworks are legal in our neck of suburbia…it’s like Beirut on the 4th in Wells Branch). On another note, Chris Tomlin’s rendition of Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) has been playing in…

  • Today is Baby Day!

    Today, by God’s grace we will be welcoming Hudson Noah Engstrom (AKA The Deuce) into the world! You can find our updates here. Please pray for our family today!

  • Today Was a Great Day

    Every once in awhile, you have an absolutely outstanding day, and God’s faithfulness is overwhelming.  Today was one of them.  Here’s the rundown: Donuts with my wife and son Sermon prep Meeting discussing future vision of some specific ministry and my role in it Developing a staff training for social media engagement with a few…

  • Pastoring a Wedding

    I’ve really grown to enjoy the role of officiating weddings as a pastor.  I’ve had the opportunity to perform a half-dozen weddings over the last year–some for old friends, some for new friends–and I am consistently reminded of God’s grace in my life to bring me such an amazing woman.   Additionally, the symbolism of the…

  • One Reason I Love the iPhone

    Mobile note taking. I’ve never been one for writing thoughts down because I never wanted to carry a journal or notepad. Now I have an easy way to joy notes as I go, and sync them with my computer for developing and further thought with ease. Thank you, Apple, for helping me catalogue those important…

  • Tribes

    I just started reading this book (which is really more just a collection of thoughts), and it has been sparking some good thoughts in me. It naturally makes you re-examine your leadership and the people you are influencing, and it gives me a good lens to understand where I am strong and where I am…