Practice is the Embodiment of Value

I listened to Alan Hirsch at our leadership conference (via Shapevine), and he busted out the title of this blog.  He was talking about the idea that intellect moves us to action being a complete reversal of reality.  Another quote from the day that really rung home for me is below:

Act your way into a new way of thinking, rather than thinking yourself into a new way of acting.

I love the way this guy thinks (and acts), and it was a joy to hear him articulate ideas on gospel and mission.  The idea that practice embodies value, or that action demonstrates what we treasure, is an excellent way to phrase why we have Partnership commitments at The Austin Stone, not just core values.

I pray that God would continue to move us toward practicing what we value as a church.


2 responses to “Practice is the Embodiment of Value”

  1. love that quote “act your way into a new way of thinking…” I always try to do it the other way around

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