Category: austin stone

  • Oversight

    Last night I had a great realization of all that God has allowed me to steward in ministry. As college students from a variety of ministries on UT’s campus gathered to worship together and hear God’s word taught from my College team, I was overseeing baptism, communion, worship and prayer that the Connections team had…

  • Aaron Ivey – Between the Beauty and Chaos

    You for sure need to download this album if you haven’t already (click the image above or here).  Aaron has been leading our church in worship through these songs, and they speak powerfully to the greatness of God and call us to His mission in the world.

  • Discipleship | The Austin Stone Summer Conference

    I’m on a panel called “Making Disciples in the Church” for The Austin Stone’s Summer Conference. Below are the questions I’m being asked (phrased from the point of a facilitator). Section 1 How did you start making disciples? How did you find the person you are discipling? What prompted you to be intentional with that…

  • Today Was a Great Day

    Every once in awhile, you have an absolutely outstanding day, and God’s faithfulness is overwhelming.  Today was one of them.  Here’s the rundown: Donuts with my wife and son Sermon prep Meeting discussing future vision of some specific ministry and my role in it Developing a staff training for social media engagement with a few…

  • Redeeming Love

    At The Austin Stone today, Aaron Ivey led us in worship to song called “Praise for a Fountain Opened” or more commonly, “There is a Fountain Filled with Blood”. The last line of the fourth verse, and the anthem we camp out on is: Redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be til I…

  • The Austin Stone Family Reunion

    Join the Austin Stone on Saturday, May 16, for our church-wide Family Reunion + Baptism at First EV Free Church.  Family Reunion + Baptism is a chance for us to gather as an entire church family and celebrate what God’s been doing in individuals and communities in our city. It’s also a great time to…

  • The Spirit and Obedience | The Ordinary

    Want to be encouraged by how God is moving in some college students’ lives?  Read the excerpt below, and then follow the link: Im not making this Spirit junk up, and I didn’t do anything but surrender and admit that Im worthless and somehow yearn to be obedient. But I promise, I’ve never believed that…

  • Cardboard Stories | Easter @ The Austin Stone

    Easter Sunday was powerful yesterday at The Austin Stone, and I’d recommend watching this video.  They are testimonies of things that God has done in our body over the last year. Cardboard Stories on Vimeo

  • Wearing Many Hats

    Through the last few years, I am becoming infinitely more aware of the necessity of adaptation and flexibility in whatever environment I am working. No matter how much I desire to have things under control, or how much I want to have the requisite skill set completely mastered for a job, I continue to find…

  • Get in the Fight

    This post contains a link to one of the most convicting sermons I have heard Matt Carter preach, and it is a clarion call for the consumer church to engage in the mission of God. It’s called “Get in the Fight”, and it is an exhortation for the individual believer to use their spiritual gifts…

  • Touchpoint » Blog Archive » An Encouraging Mega Church View

    A great viewpoint from David Watson on mega church involvement in church planting movements. From my perspective as a champion for rapidly multiplying small church planting, I do see a need for and appreciate mega churches. Mega churches could be the nexus for information, training, networking/connecting, strategy, and resourcing of all kinds, including human, vocational,…

  • When Planning Fails Churches

    This quote from an article in Church Solutions Magazine adds some fuel to the fire from our conversations as a staff and implementing our strategy as a church. The statistics tell the unfortunate truth. Eighty-seven percent of American churches have either plauteaued or are declining in attendance. We can and should innovate until we are…