Author: Todd Engstrom

  • Something Smells… and Hyperlinks

    This blog is getting pretty stale…I guess I should try to pick up the pace.  In all honesty, I’m not sure I’ve had many thoughts worth posting as of late, and I’m also running thin on time.  Here’s a few links I’ve been enjoying as of late to keep you occupied in the meantime: Kevin…

  • Together for Adoption Conference Audio

    The mp3s from the Together for Adoption Conference are linked below: Dan Cruver, Adoption: Making Outsiders Insiders Scotty Smith, The Freedom of Adoption Scott Roley, Adoption and the Pursuit of Racial Reconciliation Ed Stetzer, The Gospel, Social Justice and the Missional Church Michael Easley, Orphan Care and Jesus, the Great Servant of the Poor Russell…

  • Adoption is the World Mission | Jeremy Haskins

    I just read the post below from Jeremy Haskins, and all I can say is amen.  This is an excellent articulation of the mission of the church to declare the gospel to all peoples that they might be adopted into the family of God, and to demonstrate that spiritual adoption through earthly adoption.  Here is…

  • Together for Adoption | Sessions 3 and 4

    Session 3: Scott Roley – Adoption and the Pursuit of Racial Reconciliation Scott’s basic thesis was that the greatest picture of the gospel’s work in our life is the adoption of unwanted children.  He consistently showed that it was not his strength to do what was done (adopting/fostering transracially and living in a broken community…

  • Together for Adoption | Sessions 1 and 2

    I’ve been thoroughly blessed thus far by the Together for Adoption 2009 Conference.  Below are a few highlights: Session 1 – Dan Cruver Dan preached from James 1:27-28, arguing that there are three facets to “pure and undefiled religion”, namely controlling the tongue, visiting orphans and widows, and keeping unstained from the world.  His basic…

  • Verge Conference

    The Austin Stone is hosting a National Missional Community Conference called Verge. The Verge Conference is unique in that it is committed to the development and multiplication of missional communities. The theme of the Verge Conference is The DNA of Gospel Movements, and will focus on movement strategies and practices to help pastors, church planters,…

  • Together for Adoption Conference

    I’m headed out tomorrow to make the trek to Franklin, TN for the Together for Adoption conference.  I’m really looking forward to spending time with some of our TASCC staff processing through God’s movement in our hearts for adoption, as well as connecting with some new friends in the adoption world. Please keep us in…

  • Forgiveness in Marriage and The Gospel

    I spent a considerable amount of time in our Nearly/Newly Wed class this Sunday laying the Scriptural foundation of marriage in class in order to demonstrate that the purpose of marriage, as Paul highlights in Ephesians 5:31-32, is to demonstrate Christ and His glory to the world. One implication of thinking about marriage this way…

  • For Those Considering Marriage – The Freedom of the Gospel

    I’ve been preparing some teaching for our Nearly/Newly Wed class at The Austin Stone, and thinking on the gospel and its implications in our marriages.  Here are some of the thoughts I have for couples considering marriage: Trusting the good news of Jesus and his work on your behalf frees you from: Getting married because…

  • Lessons Learned in Fatherhood

    We’ve had a pretty rough week in our house this week, most notably because our oldest son came down with croup.  The first night, we slept in shifts as our son continued to wake up terrified and having difficulty breathing.  After a trip to the doctor, we thought we had the problem solved with a…

  • The Whole and Heart of the Gospel | Cardus

    I found this summary from Ray Pennings (HT: Kevin Young) of Reformed theological positions on cultural/social engagement to be particularly helpful in identifying the predominant understandings churches tend to have of gospel and culture.  Below is the core of the article: Neocalvinism focuses on the comprehensiveness of the gospel claim. “Every square inch” belongs to…

  • A Gospel-Centered Reader | Timmy Brister

    I stumbled across this resource a couple of weeks ago, but neglected to post it…the link below is an excellent compilation of Gospel-centered resources from Timmy Brister.  Give it a look! A Gospel-Centered Reader Timmy also just posted a links to Soma Community’s resources of “Living Inside the Gospel Story” here.  I’m planning on doing…