Author: Todd Engstrom
Engstrom Family Christmas Picture History
Here’s a brief history of our Christmas cards and Santa pics. So fun to see how our kids have grown!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas from the Engstrom family! We pray you experience the thrill of hope and rejoice in our Savior Jesus! And here’s a bonus pic with Santa!
9 Months
Blogging isn’t really my strong suit, as it would appear. The last time I wrote anything in this space was simply to wish the digital world “Merry Christmas”, and then I shut ‘er down. Here’s a short update on what’s been keeping me busy: A New Job Role – In January, as our church went…
Updates on Camden
For anyone who actually still reads this blog, you can find updates on my nephew Camden here: Thanks for praying for him!
Reflecting on Camden
As I’ve been with my family through the ordeal with Camden, there have been a few thoughts that have really struck me. In no particular order, here they are: -I learned what it is like to beg God…really beg, like I’m desperate for you to do SOMETHING beg. I’ve fervently prayed many times, but I’m…
Pray for my nephew Camden
My new nephew Camden was born on April 14th, but has had some serious complications. Initially, he had under developed lungs, and needed a respirator to breath for him. After about 24 hours and noticing some troubling signs, they took a sonogram of his kidneys, only to find that one was not there and the…
Emmaline Elizabeth Engstrom!
Glory to God! We are so excited to announce the birth of our daughter Emmaline at 5:13 pm on January 25th…she’s beautiful!
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas! I pray that the incarnation of our Savior is precious to you today! Below is our family Christmas card and letter, just in case your interested in a bit of whats going on with the Engstroms.
Ministry vs. Discipleship
My friend Sean Eppers posted some content on the Woodlands Point Pastor’s blog that Tyler David and I did on “Ministry vs. Discipleship” for one of our staff meetings awhile ago. Below is a sample: Ministry Discipleship Reactive Proactive Ministry tends to involve a much lower level of relational investment, and for both parties there…
Together For Adoption – 2010 Conference
This fall, the Together for Adoption Conference will be October 1-2, 2010, in Austin, Texas, hosted by The Austin Stone Community Church and Hill Country Bible Church (the conference venue), and in partnership with Hope for Orphans. The theme is “The Gospel, the Church, and the Global Orphan Crisis” and I have the privilege of…
The Church and The Surprising Offense of God’s Love
I’ve been reading The Church and the Surprising Offense of God’s Love by Jonathan Leeman, and although I’ve had some disagreements with the book, it has been an excellent read. I wanted to share a few quotes that have been particularly challenging for me. Below is a good challenge to teaching “community” as the solution…