In this transition to a new season of ministry, I’ve been reflecting quite a bit on the journey God has led us through. I have often described this interstitial season as a feeling of “wandering in the wilderness,” which is an allusion to Israel and Exodus. While I can’t see fully what lies ahead, I can trust that God will lead me with a “pillar of cloud and fire” and provide for my family with “manna and quail.” And this wandering time, I am only more aware of how much grumbling and how little worship I give to the Lord for His unsearchable, unending grace.
As I consider what lies ahead, I also find myself anchored in three truths despite my wrestling in the wandering: we step forward from faith, we walk by faith, and we pursue His mission for faith. These are not just theological concepts but the reality of what God has done, is doing, and will do through His people. And it’s what I’m banking on, believing in, and trusting God for.
From Faith: A Season of God’s Provision
Looking back on the past years at The Austin Stone, it’s impossible not to marvel at God’s faithfulness. Through the faith of many, He accomplished things far beyond what we could have imagined. Lives were transformed, churches were planted, and the gospel advanced in powerful ways. And I had a front row seat!
I was able to be a part of a young community of leaders trusting God deeply and longing for His power to be made manifest, and we got to see it! I lived in intentional community for two decades and saw the gospel lived out in early marriage, struggling through baby years, celebrating the ups and downs of education in a title 1 school, seeing the professions of faith of our children and new believers from our outreach. And our time in ministry with The Austin Stone concludes as we send out our first child into the world with faith. There are countless ways in which we have seen God work from our faith and trust that He would move.
This work was not the result of human effort alone but the fruit of a community trusting in God’s promises. Hebrews 11 reminds us of the great cloud of witnesses who, by faith, walked in obedience to God. In the same way, we’ve seen the power of faith to catalyze movements and change lives. And this was genuinely the gift of God so that no one may boast, but it proceeded from our faith and the faith of many around us!
As I step away from this chapter, my heart is full of gratitude. It is from faith—faith in God’s goodness, His sovereignty, and His mission—that we move forward.
By Faith: Trusting God in the Unknown
Stepping into the next phase feels uncertain. There are questions without clear answers, gaps we hope to address, and challenges we cannot yet foresee. I am realizing how much I took for granted in the past even as we operated from a disposition of faith. I never realized how much I trusted in “horses and chariots of men” until I have walked away from the comforts and conveniences that came with serving in a large, well-resourced church and a formal position of authority. Yet, this is where faith is coming alive! Faith is not merely believing in what we can see but trusting in the One who holds the future.
I’m asking deep, existential questions – how much of what I saw happen had nothing to do with me? Without all the resources, without all the people, with just small faith like a mustard seed, will God really move? The vision I feel compelled for is so vast, so broad, and so unspecific, what do I actually do daily?
In this new season, we are taking bold steps to address gaps in collaboration across our city. Like Abraham, who went out “not knowing where he was going” (Hebrews 11:8), we are walking by faith. This journey requires reliance on God, daily surrender, and a willingness to trust Him in the unknown. It is a step of obedience, trusting that He will guide and provide along the way.
And it’s genuinely by faith, even when it seems overwhelming, impossible, and just downright insane!
For Faith: Joining God’s Mission
Ultimately, this work is not about us—it’s about those who have yet to experience the grace of God. This season is not only from faith and by faith but also for faith. As I worship on Sundays at the church we labored to establish in the faith, I am massively encouraged by all that we see and experience. There are people worshipping who wouldn’t darken the door of a church. There are leaders we took a huge risk on and invested deeply into that are serving faithfully and well. And there are multiple generations of family members we have been privileged to pray and care for showing up.
But over the past two years, I still find myself haunted by all those who aren’t there. What about all the people we have loved by grace and shared the good news by faith with? What about the over 1,000,000 people just in Austin who would never seemingly join this expression of God’s church? That question drove much of my work on missional communities, and still to this day breaks my heart because there are still people without a knowledge and a hope that Jesus rose from the dead, conquered sin, and through repentance and faith we can experience abundant joy and eternal life!
Paul writes in Romans 1:5 that he received grace and apostleship “to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name among all the nations.” By no means do I think I am an apostle, but we have the same desire—to see men and women come to faith, grow in faith, and live out their faith in every corner of the world.
As we step into this mission, we are reminded that it is God who builds His kingdom. We are simply invited to join Him. Every effort, every prayer, every step of faith is for His glory and for the faith of those who do not yet know Him.
A Call to Faith
As I embark on this next chapter with my family, I’m reminded that this journey is not mine alone. It’s an invitation for all of us to step into what God is doing—from faith, by faith, and for faith. My prayer is that we would each have the courage to trust Him, the vision to see His purposes, and the perseverance to follow Him wherever He leads.
And my prayer and desire for you, wherever you are, is that you will be like those in Hebrews 11, who are “commended through their faith” and live lives that point others to the greatness of our God.