An Overview of Missional Communities

A missional community is a community of Christians, on mission with God in obedience to the Holy Spirit, who demonstrate tangibly and declare creatively the gospel of Jesus Christ to a pocket of people.

Last fall, my friend Jon Dansby and I wrote a few short articles to recast some vision to our church about missional communities.  They’re a helpful overview of some basic convictions and practices of missional communities at The Austin Stone.

  1. Why Missional Communities?
  2. What is a Missional Community?
  3. MC Practice 1 – Life Transformation Groups
  4. MC Practice 2 – Third Place
  5. MC Practice 3 – Family Meeting
  6. MC Wrap Up

I’ll be covering these practices briefly in my talk at the Verge Conference tomorrow. You can tune in here:

Let me know what you think!


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