Launching a Church Adoption Fund Webinar | ABBA Fund Blog

My friend Jason Kovacs from The Abba Fund is doing a webinar on setting up an adoption fund at your church (something we have done recently at The Austin Stone).  ThE webinar will provide an overview of how to establish a simple yet effective church adoption assistance fund.

The webinar is happening September 15th, 2009, 1pm EST.

To register please email

(from Launching a Church Adoption Fund Webinar).


2 responses to “Launching a Church Adoption Fund Webinar | ABBA Fund Blog”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by toodus. toodus said: [blog] Launching a Church Adoption Fund Webinar | ABBA Fund Blog […]

  2. Praise the Lord,

    I am from Madurai in South India, We are doing Church planting, House church, Fellowship in villages after reach through procalime the Gospel Of Jesus Christ, Not only in Madurai even in West bengal. This year we are reaching 25 villages only. Because this is our starting or New ministries. So yet did not make Website. But we are doing ministry faithfully before God. If you are willing help to us. Please contact us, Our all miniatries run by Eternal Life Trust. you can contact to So please help to our ministries. We are waiting for your reply. May God open a way. Amen.



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