The Calm Before the Storm

These last two weeks have been very restful. College ministry has been winding down for the year, and I had a full blown retreat with our staff and a mini-retreat with the Nearly/Newly Wed class Leadership team.

I realized Monday, however, that I have ~5 weeks before The Deuce (baby #2) comes along, and it’s going to be crunch time for a little while.  There are a slate of projects that I am working on, and I’m realizing there won’t be much “down time” this summer to focus on them, so it’s go time.

Please pray that God would keep me focused on Him during this next season, and that I wouldn’t grow weary of running hard after Him!

P.S. Isn’t Cap’n Crunch a great character? He is way under-appreciated…


2 responses to “The Calm Before the Storm”

  1. Caryn Ellison Avatar
    Caryn Ellison

    How is the mother-in-waiting? Did our early baby gift arrive?

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