Category: books

  • The Reason for God | Chapter 4

    I just finished chapter 4 last night, which wrestles with the challenge of the church perpetrating so much injustice in the world.  Keller approaches the question in a couple different ways: He addresses the common argument that Christian nations have been responsible for war, genocide, slavery, destruction of culture, and a host of other evils. …

  • Reading “The Reason for God”

    I’ve found myself needing to repent of my lack of reading actual books as of late, so I’ve got a few things on the docket I want to read.  I just picked up and started Tim Keller’s The Reason for God, and I must say it’s a good read.  Although the concepts aren’t mind-blowing, Keller…

  • unChristian 7, 8, 9

    I stalled in my review of unChristian because I lost some interest in the book as a whole.  I occasionally do that… You can find my thoughts here: Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 Alan Hirsch pulled a number of quotes from the book here, so if you’re curious how it finishes up,…

  • Another Wells Excerpt

    Another great selection from Above All Earthly Pow’rs by David Wells here. This is probably the best book I have read in the past two years…

  • Consumerism and the Church

    A great quote from David Wells: Churches which preserve their cognitive identity and distinction from the culture will flourish: those who lose them in the interests of seeking success will disappear. In our churches we may have made a deal with postmodern consumers but the hard reality is that Christianity cannot be bought. Purchase, in…

  • Missional Authors | The Forgotten Ways

    This image from The Forgotten Ways has a great breakdown of some authors who have influenced my thinking. From: the missional family tree according to leadership journal : The Forgotten Ways.

  • unChristian 6

    The thesis of Chapter 6 is that Christians must move from being perceived as naive and disengaged (“Sheltered” is the title of the chapter) to informed and involved with sophisticated nuance.  The creation of Christian subculture has done great damage to the overall integration within the culture at large, and therefore diminished influence and the…

  • unChristian 5

    Chapter 5 is title “Anti-homosexual”, and the thesis of the chapter is that Christians must become known more for there love of individuals regardless of sexual brokenness, rather that against the sin itself.  I understand the basic premise, and agree with the conclusions, yet the latter half of the chapter is subtitled “A Biblical Response”…

  • unChristian 2

    Chapter 2 presents some of the research findings about the perceptions of outsiders toward believers (the terms “evangelicals” and “born again Christians” are used), and breaks down the rest of the book on the lines of six general themes:  hypocritical, too concerned with converts, antihomosexual, sheltered, too political, and judgmental. “The primary reason outsiders feel…

  • unChristian 1

    Just started reading through the book unChristian by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons in anticipation of the Q conference here in Austin in April.  Here are my thoughts from Chapter 1: “We are not responsible for outsiders’ decisions, but we are accountable when our actions and attitudes–misrepresenting a holy, just and loving God–have pushed outsiders…