Independence Day

Happy Independence Day!

I’m celebrating by performing a wedding ceremony this evening, followed by a great night of fireworks in the neighborhood (fireworks are legal in our neck of suburbia…it’s like Beirut on the 4th in Wells Branch).

On another note, Chris Tomlin’s rendition of Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) has been playing in my head all day long, and I am thankful for the work God has done in me to set me free.

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
~Galatians 5:1

May we no longer be subject to sin, but experience the grace of Christ which truly sets us free on this Independence Day.


3 responses to “Independence Day”

  1. i appreciate your beirut comparison.

  2. Todd Engstrom Avatar
    Todd Engstrom

    you should probably come see for yourself next year to see whether or not I’m accurate…it’s seriously wild in our neighborhood.

  3. dude. I would love to come.

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