The Ordinary: The Rabbit and The Elephant.

We have some great students who think deeply about the church universal and the church local, and are living expressions of mission on their campus.  Aaron is one of them, and I’ve been blessed to watch him wrestle with the concepts of missional community.  He’s writing about it at The Ordinary, and here is an excerpt from his latest post:

Basically what Im getting at is not hard. Its not the rabbit OR the elephant… its the rabbit AND the elephant. Its a “variety of ministries, and the same Lord. There are verieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons” 1 Cor 12:5-6. One is not better than the other but I do think in the future the American church majority will consist of rabbits and I think most can agree on this.

via The Ordinary: The Rabbit and The Elephant.


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