Missional Community Curriculum and Tools

The following resources are a collection of historic resources I have used in various season of leadership at The Austin Stone.

  1. What is a Missional Community? – An article overview the definition and practices of MCs
  2. MC Roadmap – a graphical overview of the MC model at The Austin Stone
  3. LTG Overview – A basic overview of the Life Transformation Group model
  4. The REAP Method – A simple tool to teach people to study the bible
  5. What is a Third Place? – A brief article on Third Places
  6. MC Leader Field Guide – The Austin Stone’s leadership manual for MC leaders
  7. MC Basic Training Materials – Teaching Notes and Student Guides
  8. MC Launch Curriculum – A 6-week primer for MCs that are brand new
  9. MC Baptism Booklet – A short booklet that helps MCs navigate baptism in their community
  10. MC Communion Guide – A short guide to celebrating the Lord’s Supper in your missional community
  11. Who is the Missionary? – a graphic we frequently use in teaching MC ideas