Category: austin stone
We Didn’t Love Consumers
Recently I had the honor of speaking at the Verge conference in Chicago and I though I would share it as a series on the blog here. Over the last 7 years, we have been in the process of transitioning to missional communities, and we’ve made plenty of mistakes along the way. The title of this…
Casting Vision Without Practice
Recently I had the honor of speaking at the Verge conference in Chicago and I though I would share it as a series on the blog here. Over the last 7 years, we have been in the process of transitioning to missional communities, and we’ve made plenty of mistakes along the way. The title of this…
Assuming the Gospel
Recently I had the honor of speaking at the Verge conference in Chicago and I though I would share it as a series on the blog here. Over the last 7 years, we have been in the process of transitioning to missional communities, and we’ve made plenty of mistakes along the way. The title of this…
3 Ways to Kill a Missional Culture
Recently I had the honor of speaking at the Verge conference in Chicago and I though I would share it as a series on the blog here. Over the last 7 years, we have been in the process of transitioning to missional communities, and we’ve made plenty of mistakes along the way. The title of this…
Institutionalizing the Change to Missional Communities
The Austin Stone didn’t begin as a church committed to missional communities. Through several years, we have transitioned our church from a traditional community/small group model to our current model of missional communities. This series of posts will help you understand how we made that transition over time: Transitioning Your Church to Missional Communities Two Ways to Transition…
Building on the Change to Missional Communities
The Austin Stone didn’t begin as a church committed to missional communities. Through several years, we have transitioned our church from a traditional community/small group model to our current model of missional communities. This series of posts will help you understand how we made that transition over time: Transitioning Your Church to Missional Communities Two Ways to Transition…
Celebrating Wins in the Transition to Missional Community
The Austin Stone didn’t begin as a church committed to missional communities. Through several years, we have transitioned our church from a traditional community/small group model to our current model of missional communities. This series of posts will help you understand how we made that transition over time: Transitioning Your Church to Missional Communities Two Ways to Transition…
Empowering Others to Act in Missional Communities
The Austin Stone didn’t begin as a church committed to missional communities. Through several years, we have transitioned our church from a traditional community/small group model to our current model of missional communities. This series of posts will help you understand how we made that transition over time: Transitioning Your Church to Missional Communities Two Ways to Transition…
Communicating the Vision for Missional Communities
The Austin Stone didn’t begin as a church committed to missional communities. Through several years, we have transitioned our church from a traditional community/small group model to our current model of missional communities. This series of posts will help you understand how we made that transition over time: Transitioning Your Church to Missional Communities Two Ways to Transition…
Crafting a Vision for Missional Communities
The Austin Stone didn’t begin as a church committed to missional communities. Through several years, we have transitioned our church from a traditional community/small group model to our current model of missional communities. This series of posts will help you understand how we made that transition over time: Transitioning Your Church to Missional Communities Two Ways to Transition…
Forming a Strategic Team to Lead Transition
The Austin Stone didn’t begin as a church committed to missional communities. Through several years, we have transitioned our church from a traditional community/small group model to our current model of missional communities. This series of posts will help you understand how we made that transition over time: Transitioning Your Church to Missional Communities Two Ways to Transition…
Creating a Sense of Urgency
The Austin Stone didn’t begin as a church committed to missional communities. Through several years, we have transitioned our church from a traditional community/small group model to our current model of missional communities. This series of posts will help you understand how we made that transition over time: Transitioning Your Church to Missional Communities Two Ways to Transition…