9 Months

Blogging isn’t really my strong suit, as it would appear.  The last time I wrote anything in this space was simply to wish the digital world “Merry Christmas”, and then I shut ‘er down.  Here’s a short update on what’s been keeping me busy:

  1. A New Job Role – In January, as our church went through a transition towards multiple campuses, my role began to shift towards an Executive Pastor, and it’s kept me fairly busy.
  2. A Season of Rest – This summer I got to spend a significant time away from ministry in preparation for the coming few years.  We had a blast as a family, and Olivia and I had some time away in Alaska.
  3. A New Season of Life – We officially have a Kindergartner on our hands, which has been a total blast but also shifted some of our family rhythms around.  We’re adjusting to waking up earlier, but also loving how much interaction we’ve been having with our neighbors and community.
  4. A New Degree – I started a Doctorate of Ministry at Southern Seminary in Executive Leadership this summer with my good friend Kevin Peck.  It’s been fun to dust off the academic skills, as well as an amazing opportunity to learn from godly men.
  5. A New Addition to the Family – that’s right folks, Engstrom baby #4 will be joining us in March of 2013!

There’s plenty more that’s been happening, but I’m sure you have quit reading by now.  Hopefully I’ll have some more time to sit and write in the coming months!


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