College Ministry Links

There were two great posts about college ministry today that I wanted to point out to you:

  1. 6 Essentials of College Ministry from The Resurgence – this is some great practical wisdom for particular issues we face on college campuses.
  2. College Ministry Poles: Cooperation vs. Independence by Benson Hines – an excellent post on interaction with other campus ministries, and the variety of views between two ends of a spectrum.

For the record, I agree with all 6 elements posted at The Resurgence, and have personally faced each situation to which they speak.  With respect to Benson’s post, I fall on the full collaboration of ministries (with a few caveats…primarily ministry methodology and gospel centrality).

I’d love to hear your thoughts on either post!


3 responses to “College Ministry Links”

    1. thanks for the comment 🙂

  1. […] Justin Holcomb lists a surprising “top six things you need to know if you’re doing college ministry” at The Resurgence. (It’s always exciting when a really well-read blog highlights college ministry!) Even if you don’t agree with these as THE top 6, his unique additions to our quivers are well worth reading in “6 Essentials of College Ministry.” (Hat tip: Steve Lutz.) […]

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