Obedience Is Key | Learning to Trade

I love doing College Ministry, but more importantly, I love it when men whom you have invested your life into apply what they have learned to their lives.  Below is a post from a student whom I discipled as he is entering into the world of day trading:

I’m 100% sure that trusting God will make me a better trader.

Before you get up in arms about that statement, please hear explicitly what I am not saying: namely that trusting in God will make me a profitable trader. I don’t believe that at all. But being a better trader… that’s something that will happen. Here’s why:

Fear is eliminated. Pride is eliminated. Greed is eliminated. End of story.

If I’m founded in Christ, I have nothing to gain… I’ve gained it all. I have nothing to lose… earthly possessions are but a pittance to the love I’ve received. I have nothing to prove… Christ is my only focus and the only one worth serving.

I have much maturing to do.

via Obedience Is Key « Learning to Trade.


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