Refreshing Perspective | The Blueprint

I’ve really enjoyed reading Jaeson Ma’s book The Blueprint: A Revolutionary Plan to Plant Missional Communities on Campus.

Jaeson is certainly cut from a different theological tree than I am, but I have been challenged and refreshed by his perspective.  The book is essentially broken down into three sections: Prayer, Evangelism, and Missional Community.  The whole book is saturated with the Holy Spirit, and it has been a good challenge to me to consistently pray for the presence and power of the Spirit in my life.

I just finished the second section, which is an application of a life that is solely fueled by the prescription of prayer that he outlines in the first section.  The section focuses on practical demonstrations of the Spirit’s power on campus through worship, evangelism, prophetic preaching, and healing.

Although I’m not sure I agree fully with the strategy Jaeson advocates, it’s a great challenge for me to consistently push myself and students to be more bold in their witness and take much greater risk with the gospel through demonstrative action that is Christ-exalting.

I’d recommend reading this book, simply because it is a refreshing challenge and a great story of what God has done through Jaeson’s ministry.  Bottom line, he’s in love with Jesus and desperately wants to see campuses transformed.


2 responses to “Refreshing Perspective | The Blueprint”

  1. Great book. Ma knows and believes the intimacy and power of God. Amen!

  2. […] Refreshing Perspective | The Blueprint […]

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