Touchpoint » Blog Archive » An Encouraging Mega Church View

A great viewpoint from David Watson on mega church involvement in church planting movements.

From my perspective as a champion for rapidly multiplying small church planting, I do see a need for and appreciate mega churches. Mega churches could be the nexus for information, training, networking/connecting, strategy, and resourcing of all kinds, including human, vocational, business, educational, and financial. Please do not hear me say that mega churches should drive all this. They should be facilitators and servants who connect God’s people with the needs of those who work very hard to serve and reach the lost, wherever they may be found.

We must never forget that a church with 10,000 members is as much the Bride of Christ as a church with 10 members. Both are highly valued by God. Both have calls from God. Both have the same purposes and functions defined by the Word of God. All are needed if we are going to reach the +5 billion lost people on our planet. When we criticize any church, we criticize the Bride of Christ. As a husband, I am not too happy when someone criticizes my bride. How do you think Christ feels when we criticize His Bride?

via Touchpoint » Blog Archive » An Encouraging Mega Church View.

I love the externally focused mentality that this man has, and his vision for seeing all kinds of churches reaching all kinds of people.  Secondly, I love his passionate defense of the bride of Christ, no matter the form.  I pray that David’s vision will be caught by many throughout the church planting strategy spectrum.


2 responses to “Touchpoint » Blog Archive » An Encouraging Mega Church View”

  1. Thanks for the pingback. Our desire is to see the church, in all its creative variations, grow and multiply.


    David Watson

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