New Here?


Thanks so much for stopping by this blog! I write primarily for two reason:

  1. To drive my thinking on missional communities and ministry in general to precision
  2. To resource others who are leading missional communities

I hope you find this blog helpful and pray that Jesus continues to captivate your heart through it.

Getting Started with Missional Communities

If you’re new to the conversation on missional communities, I would recommend the following blog series to get caught up:

  1. Defining Missional Community
  2. Reasons to Pursue Missional Community
  3. The Core Practices of Missional Community

You can always find more content on the Resources page.

Keeping Up with the Conversation

I generally post here around three times per week, usually on topics related to missional communities, leadership and discipleship.  There are a couple ways to stay up to date

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