Category: adoption

  • Total Church, Gospel Ministry and Adoption | ABBA Fund Blog

    Jason Kovacs had some great thoughts on doing ordinary things with gospel intentionality.  Below is a quote: It is interesting that the act of adopting, doing foster care, or going overseas to care for orphans is often seen as a “great act of service” involving great sacrifice. I think in light of this quote and…

  • 10 Ways to Pastor Adoptive Parents | Desiring God

    Below is the beginning to an excellent post by Jason Kovacs on pastoring adoptive parents. There are many ways that you can express your pastoral care for those considering adoption and those who have adopted already. As an adoptive father and former pastor, I offer a few thoughts on how to help adoption become a…

  • A Future and a Hope Conference

    I attended and helped greet at an adoption conference this weekend with Olivia. There were three main sessions and a panel: Kristin Wong spoke on God’s heart for adoption from Ephesians 1 Julie Kouri presented myths to adoption and highlighted the basic adoption process Jason Kovacs shared some insight on funding for adoption through organizations…